2015 Year in Review and 2016 Outlook

Put simply, 2015 was an outstanding year for Blackhawk and for all of our satisfied clients. While 2013 and 2014 were also great for us, the fact is, business in 2015 quadrupled from our 2013 and 2014 levels. We obtained over 40 new projects; we worked with dozens of new clients, agencies, utilities, entities and people; we emerged into new sectors and new geographical areas; we hired more staff; we paid significant bonuses to our regularly working staff to simply say thank you; we continued with our contributions to charities, including Veterans Airlift Command, Nature Conservancy, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of San Diego, and the Orange County Association of Environmental Professionals scholarship fund; we were repeatedly and graciously thanked by our clients for the fine work we did, and the Blackhawk buzz spread a little bit more this year.

2016 is already off to a fine start, with many projects still ongoing, as well as fresh opportunities and a high likelihood for increased staffing. We now offer a retirement plan to our employees. We stand ready with quality people to more than adequately handle a wide array of project sizes and types. Our business has grown organically so as to easily facilitate our continued growth, but intelligently so, and with an unparalleled capacity to ramp up and ramp up fast for, not if, but when that time comes. We are looking forward to a fantastic 2016, and to all that we bring to the tables that we sit as team players upon.